The Danny Noonan Invitational
"So I got that going for me, which is nice." - Carl Spackler
The Danny Noonan Invitational
"So I got that going for me, which is nice." - Carl Spackler
"So I got that going for me, which is nice." - Carl Spackler
"So I got that going for me, which is nice." - Carl Spackler
Group Picture from the 2022 Danny Noonan Invitational
The Danny Noonan Invitational is a golf tournament originally conceived at the turn of the millennium. I would love to take full credit for coming up with the event, but I have to give the honor to an unlikely source - my wife, Candice. Back in 2000, I was invited to a golf outing in Las Vegas by my brother in law, Mark, who routinely attended a golf weekend with his college buddies every Spring. I was a little reluctant to go not knowing anyone, so Candice suggested that I ask a couple of guys to go on a guy's golf trip. Well, that was all I needed! I figured maybe we could round out a foursome. Within 24 hours, everyone that I had asked responded with a resounding "yes!" (including Mark!). I had read about Mesquite, NV as a golf oasis that was known for its tremendous golf courses. I had heard that it was a less pricey than Las Vegas as well. Within a month, the inaugural Danny Noonan Invitational commenced in May, 2001 with a group of 16 players.
For more historical info on the Noonan, go to the Historical Info tab link in this website, which includes ALL of the statistical information from the past events and how many Noonans that people have attended!!
In fact, we have tracked every Noonan in detail on this website going back to 2006...just select the year you'd like to review to take a trip down memory lane!
Other events include the Noonan Horserace. We also enshrined the newest member of the Noonan Hall of Fame in 2022 and bestowed the Mike Clem Spirit Stein to a very familiar face in 2024...for the details click on Mike Clem Spirit Stein.
As for the prestigious GOPHER AWARD, Brian Wilson made his mark on Noonan History...details can be found on the Gopher Award tab.
Check out the Photo Galleries Below to see some great photos taken over the years!
Please feel free to click on any of the previous year's events at the top of the page!
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